ERC Consolidator Grant for Martin Rolfs

SCIoI faculty member and PI Martin Rolfs (HU Berlin) is among the 301 outstanding researchers across Europe who were awarded one of the distinguished grants.

Today, the European Research Council (ERC) published the names of the winners of the 2019 Consolidator Grants. In total, these grants are worth 600 million euro. The ERC grants are among the highest endowed and most prestigious research grants in Europe and arwarded to excellent scientists and supports projects

that develop innovative research approaches or deal with new research questions.

Combining innovative technologies and state-of-the-art psychophysical tools, Rolf’s project VIS-À-VIS investigates visual actions as key components of perception.

Congratulations to Martin and his team!


Link to ERC Website

Link to Humboldt-Universität press release (in German)


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