Dimitri Coelho Mollo

Photo: SCIoI
Dimitri Coelho Mollo’s main areas of research are Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science (including Philosophy of Neuroscience and Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence), and Philosophy of Computing. He is also interested in Philosophy of Biology, General Philosophy of Science, and the ethics of current and future use of AI systems. Since April 2022, Dimitri is Assistant Professor at Umeå University. Dimitri’s aim is to help shed light on the nature of intelligence and intelligent behavior by bringing together relevant empirical and theoretical insights from different fields, including philosophy, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, comparative psychology, and ethology. His project aims at revealing some of the underlying theoretical principles and core notions required to make sense of intelligence in biological and artificial systems. To do so, Dimitri examines candidate foundational notions relevant for understanding intelligence, such as representation, computation, and embodiment, as well as the internal and external factors that may be required for intelligent behavior to be possible.
Dimitri Coelho Mollo is member of Project 20.
Publications +
Perraudin, L., Brock, O., Coelho Mollo, D., Mareis, C., Müller, M., Nestler, A., Puhlmann, S., Schäffner, W., Steinhardt, S. 2021. »Wenn Materie lebendig wird«. Experimentallabor für Wissenschaftskommunikation »CollActive Materials«. Berlin University Alliance, project funding for 2022-2024.
Thursday Morning Talk -
Dimitri Coelho Mollo (Science of Intelligence), “The Concept of Intelligence – A progress report”
Thursday Morning Talk -
Dimitri Coelho Mollo (SCIoI), “Modelling Intelligence: the good, the bad, and the plural”