
Félicie Dhellemmes

Postdoctoral Researcher

Behavioral Ecology

HU Berlin




Photo: SCIoI

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Félicie Dhellemmes

Félicie Dhellemmes

Photo: SCIoI

Félicie is a behavioral ecologist interested in the causes and consequences of consistent individual differences in behavior. For her PhD, Félicie studied the role of individual differences in space use and fitness in juvenile lemon sharks at the Bahamas. For her first postdoc, she studied the spatial movement of pike in Northern Germany using acoustic telemetry. At Scioi, Félicie works on quantifying the interplay between the collective hunting of icefishers, and the collective evasion of the prey schools under the ice (Project 51).


Félicie Dhellemmes is member of Project 51.

Pham, D., Hansen, M., Dhellemmes, F., Krause, J., & Bideau, P. (2024). Watching Swarm Dynamics from Above: A Framework for Advances Object Tracking in Drone Videos. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference Workshops (CVPRW) 2024.
Hansen, M., Krause, S., Dhellemmes, F., Pacher, K., Kurves, R., Domenici, P., & Krause, J. (2022). Mechanisms of prey division in striped marlin, a marine group hunting predator. Communications Biology.


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