
Anne Jaap

Postdoctoral Researcher

Behavioral Biology




Photo: SCIoI

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Anne Jaap

Anne Jaap

Photo: SCIoI

Anne Jaap is a behavioural biologist with a focus on animal welfare, animal behaviour, and laboratory animal sciences. She studied biology at the RWTH Aachen University with a specialisation on neuroscience and behaviour. In her bachelor thesis she investigated spider behaviour, while in her master thesis she analysed empathy in humans. For her PhD, she developed choice tests for mice in the research group of Lars Lewejohann, with the overall goal to improve the welfare of mice during laboratory procedures (Refinement). As a postdoctoral researcher at SCIoI, Anne now investigates the intelligence of laboratory mice based on natural behaviour developed in alternative housing systems, Project 40A, “Big Mouse Data”.



Anne Jaap is member of Project 40.

Kahnau, P., Mieske, P., Wilzopolski, J., Kalliokoski, O., Mandillo, S., Hölter, S. M., Voikar, V., Amfim, A., Badurek, S., Bartelik, A., Caruso, A., Čater, M., Ey, E., Golini, E., Jaap, A., Hrncic, D., Kiryk, A., Lang, B., Loncarevic-Vasiljkovic, N., … Hohlbaum, K. (2023). A systematic review of the development and application of home cage monitoring in laboratory mice and rats. BMC Biology, 256(21).


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