
Christa Thöne-Reineke

Principal Investigator

Behavioral Biology




Phone: +49 30 838 65463


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Christa Thöne-Reineke

Christa Thöne-Reineke

Photo: SCIoI

Christa Thöne-Reineke represents the analytical discipline of behavioral biology. She has extensive experience in laboratory animal science and animal models, especially in animal behavior as read out for severity assessment and animal welfare. She will study the costs and benefits of cognition and the influence of emotion and well-being on animal behavior.


Christa Thöne-Reineke is member of Project 03, Project 25, Project 40, Project 46.

Andresen, N., Wöllhaf, M., Hohlbaum, K., Lewejohann, L., Hellwich, O., Thöne-Reineke, C., & Belik, V. (2020). Towards a fully automated surveillance of well-being status in laboratory mice using deep learning: Starting with facial expression analysis. PLOS ONE, 15(4), e0228059.
Lang, B., Kahnau, P., Hohlbaum, K., Mieske, P., Andresen, N. P., Boon, M. N., Thöne-Reineke, C., Lewejohann, L., & Diederich, K. (2023). Challenges and advanced concepts for the assessment of learning and memory function in mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 17.
Kahnau, P., Mieske, P., Wilzopolski, J., Kalliokoski, O., Mandillo, S., Hölter, S. M., Voikar, V., Amfim, A., Badurek, S., Bartelik, A., Caruso, A., Čater, M., Ey, E., Golini, E., Jaap, A., Hrncic, D., Kiryk, A., Lang, B., Loncarevic-Vasiljkovic, N., … Hohlbaum, K. (2023). A systematic review of the development and application of home cage monitoring in laboratory mice and rats. BMC Biology, 256(21).

BfR2Go Magazin – February 2021 - Tinkering Mice


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