Title: Time-Critical Social Mobilization
Abstract: This seminar explores the physical, behavioral, and computational limits of crowd-assembly for problem-solving. I follow several real-world experiments where we utilized social media to mobilize the
masses in tasks of unprecedented complexity. From finding red weather balloons to locating thieves in distant cities to reconstructing shredded classified documents, the potential of crowdsourcing is real, but so are exploitation, sabotage, and asymmetric incentives that can undermine the power of crowds.
Bio: Manuel Cebrian is a Max Planck Research Group Leader with the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, where he develops computational and network preparedness against emergent threats. Previously, Manuel was a researcher at MIT, CSIRO, and the University of California San Diego. His scientific research draws on approaches from the physics of complex systems, data-driven simulation, and operations research.
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