External Event

Berlin Summit on Robotics 2022

The Berlin Summit on Robotics is a three-days event funded by SCIoI that brings together leading researchers in robotics and related areas to discuss and tackle strategic challenges in robotics research. While conferences and other professional meetings are hectic and dominated by conversations about technical details, the Berlin Summit aims to create an atmosphere in

External Event

Scholar Minds – Mental health conference 2022

A serie of lectures, workshops and a panel discussion about themes related to Mental health in academia, from opinions of under-represented groups, to power abuse, healthy working conditions, and much more. More info here Photo taken from Scholar Mind webiste The Zoom Link will be sent the day before the lecture.

External Event

Berlin Science Week 2022 – Panel Discussion with Dafna Burema, Mattis Jacobs, and Jonas Frenkel, “Artificial Intelligence: Examples of AI gone wrong and Ethical Questions”

In this lively debate, our researchers Dafna Burema, Mattis Jacobs and Jonas Frenkel from Science of Intelligence will talk about Artificial Intelligence and its ethical implications including examples of AI gone wrong. How do we imagine sustainable futures with robots? What are the open questions scientists face every day when dealing with Artificial Intelligence? Visit

External Event

Berlin Science Week 2022 – Collective Materials Workshop, “What is the Future Made Of?”

Nature is a great designer. Through billions of years of evolution – of design trial and error (or re-route) – it has come up with uniquely functional and beautiful materials. It uses simple materials in clever ways. Natural materials are often sophisticated in structure and function, yet they are made from simple, abundant resources. More

External Event

Berlin Science Week 2022 – The Science Slam of the Berlin Clusters of Excellence, “Clear the stage for science”

At our cluster science slam, scientists try everything to entertain their audience, regardless of whether the subject is e.g. mathematics, neuroscience or active material. The sky is the limit when it comes to what’s possible. Costumes, props, movies, power-point presentations or other experimental setups – it is all allowed. Only time sets the limits –

External Event

Girls’ Day 2023 at SCIoI 

MAR 2.057

It's that time of year again! Every April, school girls all over Germany visit scientific institutions to get inspiration for their future careers. SCIoI has participated in this event twice before, and we will be hosting another group of girls this coming 27 April. The event will start with some inspiring talks by our members

External Event

“Future of Air – Speculative Workshop Series” – Es liegt was in der Luft (in German)

Workshop title: Es liegt was in der Luft Theme: Stage and the Environment Where: Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch Im Anthropozän, dem sogenannten ‘Zeitalter des Menschen’, ist die Umwelt zur Bühne geworden. Auf dieser Bühne zeigen sich ökologische Ausnahmezustände und drohende klimatische Kipppunkte. Unsere Rolle ist es, auszuhandeln, wie es weitergehen kann: Der Verlauf der

External Event

“Future of Air – Speculative Workshop Series” – Von Kontrolle zu Kooperation (in German)

Workshop title: Von Kontrolle zu Kooperation Theme: Air as Technology Where: silent green Kulturquartier   Betonindustrie, Verbrennungsmotor, Google-Suchanfrage – Technologie wird heute an ihrer CO₂-Emission gemessen. Unsere technische Kultur hat Karriere gemacht durch einen allzu sorglosen und zerstörerischen Umgang mit Ressourcen. Dabei wird vor allem der Versuch unternommen, Materialien und Umgebungen zu kontrollieren. Und das

External Event

Airbound: Sensing Collective Futures

CLB BERLIN Prinzenstraße 84.2, Berlin, Germany

  From molecule to atmosphere: the global climate crisis and the possible futures of our coexistence will be decided by means of air. We are »airbound« – bound through air. How can we create a sense of what is coming? And what will connect us in the future? The exhibition »Airbound« features climate fictions and

External Event

Berlin University Alliance’s Open Space Event on AI and Ethics (in German)

Our members Dafna Burema and Jonas Frenkel will take part at "THE OPEN KNOWLEDGE LAB" Berlin as speakers, which thrives on active exchange between science, business, politics, and urban society. The BUA OPEN SPACE salon series provides a platform for dialogue on current social issues and networking: impulses from science and subsequent discussions provide deeper

External Event

Berlin Brains – Restless gaze, stable vision: SCIoI members Martin Rolfs and Nina Hanning @Zeiss Grand Planetarium Berlin

Zeiss-Großplanetarium, Prenzlauer Allee 80, 10405 Berlin

Live Event at Zeiss-Großplanetarium (Zeiss Grand Planetarium), Berlin with SCIoI memebers Martin Rolfs and Nina Hanning, titled "Restless gaze, stable vision: The camera work of our eyes." About: Our eyes are restless; they constantly orient themselves toward new aspects of the environment. If they were cameras, the recorded film would be dizzying. And yet our