For the Public

Girls’ Day 2024

This year, SCIoI is once again delighted to be part of Girls' Day, an event dedicated to offering school-aged girls the opportunity to explore new experiences and gain insights into

For the Public

Berlin Summer School of Artificial Intelligence and Society

Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin, Room 2.057

Berlin is currently facing numerous challenges, ranging from the modernization of public administration to the adaptation to climate change, from traffic planning to the regulation of the housing market, the

For the Public

Berlin Science Week: Science Slam of the Berlin Clusters of Excellence

Roadrunner's Paradise Saarbrücker Str. 24 10405 Berlin Germany

Slammin’ like there’s no tomorrow – at our cluster science slam, researchers try everything to entertain their audience, regardless of whether the subject is e.g. mathematics, neuroscience or active material.

For the Public

Girls’ Day 2025

SCIoI, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin, Room 2.057

What is intelligence, and how can research contribute to improving current technologies with insights from this work? At the Girls' Day with the Excellence Cluster Science of Intelligence, you'll find

For the Public

LNDW 2025/RBO & SCIoI: Feeling Without Seeing

SCIoI, MAR Building Marchstr. 23, Berlin

Where: RBO Lab (5th floor) Time: regular intervals between 5:30 and 10pm Event Type: Experiment By Furkan Davulcu Language: English Suitable for kids: Yes, from 5 Website: How do