PI Lecture

Jörg Raisch (SCIoI): Models for Feedback – Costs and Benefits of Simplicity

FH 315 Fraunhoferstraße 33-36, Berlin

PI Lecture Series Models for Feedback -- Cost and Benefits of Simplicity Joerg Raisch, Control Systems Group, TU Berlin Abstract: We'll start with a short introduction to feedback control. I'll emphasise that the systematic design of feedback requires a formal model of the system to be controlled, and that the choice of such a model

PI Lecture

Wissenschaft im Sauriersaal – Lecture by Prof. Jens Krause (SCIoI) (in German)


On SCIoI faculty member Professor Jens Krause will open this year's lecture series with a talk on swarm intelligence: "Ob Mensch oder Tier: Warum der Schwarm intelligenter ist als der Einzelne". The lecture is in German. Link to event page here Photo by: Rodrigo Friscione Wyssmann

PI Lecture

Alex Kacelnik (University of Oxford): What are minds for, and how do they work?

MAR23 4.064 Marchstraße 23, Berlin, Germany

PI Lecture Series Abstract: The biological perspective on intelligence is well represented by the following quotes: “Is it not reasonable to anticipate that our understanding of the human mind would be aided greatly by knowing the purpose for which it was designed?” (George Williams) and “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish

PI Lecture

John-Dylan Haynes (SCIoI): “What can neuroimaging tell us about human intelligence?”

MAR23 4.064 Marchstraße 23, Berlin, Germany

The concept of intelligence in cognitive science has been highly elusive. One pragmatic approach to understanding intelligence is to use classical intelligence tests, such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). In such tests, performance is assessed in a number of specific subtask items, and the performance across these items is then integrated to an