Thursday Morning Talk

Wannes Ooms (KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law -imec): A general introduction to the EU AI Act

Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin, Room 2.057

The EU AI Act introduces new obligations for providers and deployers of AI systems. In this presentation, we will discuss the scope of the AI Act, the different qualifications of AI systems under the act and the related obligations or requirements. We also provide a look ahead at key deadlines, the status of standards and

Thursday Morning Talk

Marina Papadopoulou (University of Tuscia), “Behavioural rules underlying self-organized animal collectives”

From the foraging of ungulates and primates to the bait balls of fish and the murmurations of starlings, the dynamics of animal groups fascinate us with the mystery of their underlying social interactions. Identifying unique and common traits across systems can help us understand the self-organized mechanisms of their emergence, as well as the ecological

Thursday Morning Talk

Julten Abdelhalim, “Mastering Confident & Quick-witted Communication in Academia” Workshop

SCIoI, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin, Room 2.057

In this one-hour workshop, a toolbox of best-practise techniques for confident communication skills will be presented. This will equip attendees with a repertoire of rhetorical tools to communicate confidently and quick-wittedly in stressful situations. Participants will learn strategies to handle challenging questions and optimise their performance during academic debates. Another aim is to tackle dealing