For the Public

Berlin Summer School of Artificial Intelligence and Society

Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin, Room 2.057

Berlin is currently facing numerous challenges, ranging from the modernization of public administration to the adaptation to climate change, from traffic planning to the regulation of the housing market, the

External Event

Oliver Brock at TED AI Vienna 2024

SCIoI spokesperson Oliver Brock will give a talk about artificial intelligence (AI) in Vienna (Austria), where, for the first time, a TED series of talks will be hosted, to foster

Hot Topics in Intelligence Research

Alan Winfield (UWE Bristol), “Ethics in collective robotics”

SCIoI, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin, Room 2.057

Alan Winfield is Professor of Electronic Engineering and Director of the Science Communication Unit at the University of the West of England, Bristol. He conducts research in swarm robotics in