Thursday Morning Talk

Danny Driess, Manuel Baum, Katharina Hohlbaum, Niek Andresen (Science of Intelligence), “Perspectives on the gap between robotic models and observed biological behavior”

Abstract: One of SCIoI's goals is to establish and evaluate synthetic models for biological data. Achieving this goal is clearly beneficial not only to produce more capable artificial behavior, but also to get a better idea about the processes that may underlie biological intelligence. Why can a cockatoo or mouse open a lock box? What

For the Public

Girls’ Day 2022

On Girls’ Day 2022 (28 April 22), SCIoI members Jinan Allan and Marah Halawa will give an overview of their life as women in science, including ambitions and possible challenges. The brief introduction will be followed by visits to the cluster's labs. More information here.

For the Public

Benjamin Lang at “An excellent Science Slam” (in German)

Prepare for an extraordinary Science Slam! Young scientists from four Clusters of Excellence of the Berlin University Alliance present their research work in the learning lab Mall Anders in the Wilma Shoppen mall. They only have 15 minutes to present, and everything is allowed: costumes, props, movies, PowerPoint presentations or experimental setups. After the presentations,

Thursday Morning Talk

Rebecca Lazarides (Science of Intelligence), “From understanding learners’ adaptive motivation and emotion to designing social learning companions”

MAR 2.057

Abstract:  High motivation and positive emotions are important prerequisites for effective knowledge transfer, while negative emotions can impede the acquisition of new knowledge. This talk presents our current state of research in SCIoI's project 06 that aims at identifying adaptive teaching strategies of humans, and to synthesize them with the goal to test whether these

For the Public

Ralf Kurvers at “Meet the Scientist”, Humboldt Forum

"Should I listen to you – or not?" Should I listen to you? Or should I ignore you when making up my mind? And what factors shape my decision-making? Questions like these are the field of behavioral researchers from the Cluster of Excellence “Science of Intelligence”. Here, psychologists, computer scientists, biologists, neuroscientists, educational scientists, philosophers,

Thursday Morning Talk

Tilman Geishauer, “Virtual Reality – From Research to Market”

SCIoI, MAR Building Marchstr. 23, Berlin

Abstract: Tilman Geishauser is currently working at Somareality to create a virtual reality focused product out of a cognitive load algorithm based on pupillometry that has been in development for 8 years at Research Studios Austria. In the past he invented one of Germanys most promising VR tools: Halocline Layout. He lead his team at

Karoline Wiesner (University of Potsdam) “Information entropy in complex systems”

Lecture by Prof. Karoline Wiesner, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Potsdam Abstract: I begin with an introduction to the nature of complex systems. From a foundational perspective, I will present a systematic description of their features. This will be followed by a brief discussion of the role of information theory in the analysis

For the Public

SCIoI+MoA CollActive Materials Event, “Woraus ist deine Zukunft gemacht?”: IdeenLabor, Kombucha Workshop, and family activities!

Mall Anders, Wilma Arkaden Wilmersdorfer Str. 46, Berlin, Germany

What do sensitive robots, gripping plants and creative bacteria have in common? Let's find out together! In "CollActive Materials" experimental laboratory, a joint project of SCIoI and MoA,  research and society come together to explore the materials of the future: Can they be more active or more intelligent than the materials of today? Come by to

Thursday Morning Talk

Florian Blume, Martin Maier, Doris Pischedda, Olga Wudarczyk-Markett and Murat Kirtay (Science of Intelligence)

Abstract: Social interaction and communication are supported by the integration of multimodal signals. One crucial social cue when interacting with other humans are facial expressions. In Project 8, we study how people not only read information from faces, but how they read meaning into faces based on context and prior knowledge. Incorporating sources of information

PI Lecture

Max Wolf, “Fishy twin studies and the origin of personality differences”

Abstract: I will discuss research on a powerful biological model system, the natural clonal fish Amazon molly. Mothers in this female-only species produce genetically identical offspring, allowing us to employ an experimental twin study approach to address some of the most fundamental questions associated with behaviour and the development of behaviour. Do twins separated directly

Thursday Morning Talk

Dafna Burema; Mattis Jacobs (Science of Intelligence), “Workshop: Discussing ethically problematic “incidents” of AI systems”

(In-person talk at Science of Intelligence) Workshop: Discussing ethically problematic “incidents” of AI systems In the Thursday morning talk, we discuss ethically problematic incidents of AI that we selected from the AIAAIC Repository. In total, we discuss four cases. In a first step, we present a brief overview what occurred in the respective cases, based on media