Distinguished Speaker Series

Peter Dayan, (Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics), “Peril, Prudence and Planning as Risk, Avoidance and Worry”

On Zoom

Speaker: Peter Dayan, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, https://www.mpg.de/12309357/biologische-kybernetik-dayan Hosted by Henning Sprekeler; moderated by Robert Tjarko Lange Peril, Prudence and Planning as Risk, Avoidance and Worry Risk occupies a central role in both the theory and practice of decision-making. Although it is deeply implicated in many conditions involving dysfunctional behavior and thought, modern

PI Lecture

Martin Rolfs (Science of Intelligence), “Looking for Action in Perception”

On Zoom

Abstract Actions affect perception directly and in multiple ways, exerting their influence (1) by modifying parts of the external world, (2) through internal processes accompanying movement preparation, and (3) through the sensory consequences of moving the sensory surface itself (i.e., in vision, the retina). To understand these influences, psychology and neuroscience have long recognized the

PI Lecture

Marc Toussaint (Science of Intelligence), “Do We Need Reasoning?”

On Zoom

Reasoning (or planning, rational decision making) seems a core aspect of intelligence -- but what exactly does that mean? If we observe clever behavior in an animal, can we claim it is based on reasoning? And doesn't the success of deep RL show us that we (as engineers) do not need reasoning? I'll discuss reasoning

Distinguished Speaker Series

Antje Nuthmann (University of Kiel), “Real-world scene perception and search from foveal to peripheral vision”

It is a commonly held assumption that the fovea is where the interesting action occurs. To scrutinize this assumption, we conducted a series of experiments that addressed the following question: How important are the different regions of the visual field for gaze guidance in everyday visual-cognitive tasks? Following on from classic findings for sentence reading, I will present key results from various

PI Lecture

Pawel Romanczuk (Science of Intelligence), “Is intelligence critical? Can magnets teach us anything about brains and swarms?”

Abstract: More than three decades ago, it was proposed that certain natural systems can be viewed as self-organized critical systems, which self-tune themselves to special regions in parameter space close to so-called critical points, where the behavior of a system exhibits a qualitative change at the macroscopic scale, i.e. it undergoes a phase transition. Over

For the Public

LNDW 2021: David Bierbach, “ROBOFISH: Mit einem Fischroboter das Schwarmverhalten verstehen”

ROBOFISH: Mit einem Fischroboter das Schwarmverhalten verstehen (in German, at 6:30pm and at 9:30pm) Um das Gruppenverhalten von Fischen zu studieren, haben wir unter Beteiligung der FU, HU und TU sowie des Leibniz-Instituts für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) einen Roboterfisch gebaut. Dieser ist einem Guppy nachempfunden und wird von lebenden Guppys als Artgenosse akzeptiert. Mit

For the Public

LNDW2021: SCIoI’s Science Pub Quiz

The SCIoI Science Pub Quiz (7:30–ca.10pm) Join us for a fun evening with Science of Intelligence (SCIoI) and sign up for this special edition of the Science Pub Quiz, organized with SCIoI! What is intelligence? Do beets float in water? Why should you pet your basil? We will be joined by Aravind Battaje and Lynn

For the Public

LNDW2021: Ralf Kurvers and Pawel Romanczuk: “Collective Intelligence or Collective Stupidity? Swarm intelligence in fish and humans”

Collective Intelligence or Collective Stupidity? Swarm intelligence in fish and humans (5 June, 10pm) In this talk, Pawel Romanczuk and Ralf Kurvers from our Excellence Cluster will explore swarm intelligence in fish and humans, investigating the role of single individuals and social interactions in collective decisions, also exploring when collectives make good decisions, and when

For the Public

Talk: Manuel Cebrian, Max-Planck Institute for Human Development: “Time-critical Social Mobilization”

Title: Time-Critical Social Mobilization Abstract: This seminar explores the physical, behavioral, and computational limits of crowd-assembly for problem-solving. I follow several real-world experiments where we utilized social media to mobilize the masses in tasks of unprecedented complexity. From finding red weather balloons to locating thieves in distant cities to reconstructing shredded classified documents, the potential

Thursday Morning Talk

Jose Hernandez-Orallo (Valencia/Cambridge), “The Generality of Natural and Artificial Intelligence: Task Difficulty as the Elephant in the Room”

On Zoom

Abstract: Understanding and recreating intelligence is possibly the biggest scientific challenge of our time. Evolution has produced organisms that are highly specialised for some cognitive tasks, whereas others present what has been called general intelligence, with humans identified as the paragon. Artificial intelligence (AI), despite decades of efforts to achieve generality, is still specialised. It

PI Lecture

Rebecca Lazarides (Science of Intelligente), “Learning in social interaction – emotions, motivation and adaptive learning support”

 ABSTRACT: Central theories of learning in human agents emphasize that the quality of instruction and interaction between agents is of high importance for effective knowledge transfer. On the other side, within-agent characteristics such as a certain level of emotion and motivation is required to participate in social interactions. Consequently, the interplay between characteristics of social

Distinguished Speaker Series

Kou Murayama (Universität Tübingen), “A reward-learning framework of knowledge acquisition: How we can integrate the concepts of curiosity, interest, and intrinsic-extrinsic rewards.”

On Zoom

Recent years have seen a considerable surge of research on interest-based engagement, examining how and why people are engaged in activities without relying on extrinsic rewards. However, the field of inquiry has been somewhat segregated into three different research traditions which have been developed relatively independently --- research on curiosity, interest, and trait curiosity/interest. The