Hot Topics in Intelligence Research

Mohsen Raoufi (Science of Intelligence), “Crash course on network science”

SCIoI, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin, Room 2.057

Mohsen is a doctoral researcher at SCIoI, working on Project 27, Speed-Accuracy Tradeoffs in Collective Estimation. His research explores the role of networks in shaping collective opinion dynamics. In this

Hot Topics in Intelligence Research

Justin Werfel (Harvard University), “Bio-inspired intelligence and robotics”

SCIoI, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin, Room 2.057

Justin Werfel is a senior research scientist at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, where he works on topics in complex and emergent systems, including swarm robotics, termite behavior, engineered molecular

External Event

SCIoI at Oxford Berlin Colloquium on AI Ethics

Beit Room, Rhodes House, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3RG

The 2025 Oxford Berlin colloquium on AI ethics will be held in Oxford and bring together scholars and professionals to discuss a variety of topics, hosted by Dr Caroline Green