Berlin Science Week Talk, Michael Pauen (SCIoI): Is artificial intelligence intelligent?

A talk about the relation between human and artificial intelligence. As part of the 6 o’clock with SCIoI series of talks, Michael Pauen will discuss the relation between human and artificial intelligence. The most advanced AI systems today try to drive cars, care for the elderly, read texts or play soccer – things that we

For the Public

Berlin Science Week Panel Discussion: Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Rainer Mühlhoff, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer, Lynn Schmittwilken. Living with AI: Past, Present, and Future

Artificial Intelligence: a philosophical, ethical and social overview. As part of the series “6 o’clock with SCIoI” series of talks within the Berlin Science Week, the panelists will discuss with the public about the philosophical, ethical and social issues raised by AI research and applications. Please visit the Berlin Science Week website to access the

Thursday Morning Talk

Heiko Hamann, Minimize Surprise in Robots: An Innate Motivation for Collective Behavior

Minimize Surprise in Robots: An Innate Motivation for Collective Behavior After a quick overview of other related research projects in my lab (bio-hybrid systems, swarm performance, collective decision-making), I will present our work on minimize surprise for multi-robot systems. Each robot has two artificial neural networks, a world model (“prediction machine”) and a behavioral module

PI Lecture

Pawel Romanczuk (SCIoI): Collective Information Processing – From Simple Flocking Models to Real Ecological Systems

On ZOOM (Contact us for Link)

Collective Information Processing - From Simple Flocking Models to Real Ecological Systems Abstract: Collective systems such animal groups or cellular ensembles represent fascinating examples of self-organization in biology. In contrast to non-living physical systems, self-organized biological collectives are results of long-term evolutionary adaptations to a specific ecological niche, where collective behavior provides evolutionary benefits to

Distinguished Speaker Series

Michele Rucci, University of Rochester (Hosted by Marianne Maertens): Seeing by moving: the indissoluble bond between perception and action

Seeing by moving: the indissoluble bond between perception and action Establishing a representation of space is a major goal of sensory systems.  Spatial information, however, is not always explicit in the incoming sensory signals. In most modalities it needs to be actively extracted from cues embedded in the temporal flow of receptor activation. Vision, on

Thursday Morning Talk

Michael Pauen

On ZOOM (Contact for link)

BIO: Michael Pauen is a philosopher with a focus on the philosophy of mind. As the academic director of an interdisciplinary graduate school, he has extensive experience in interdisciplinary research and training. Having a specific interest in philosophical and psychological aspects of human sociality, he will focus on social intelligence both in humans and in

Distinguished Speaker Series

Naomi Leonard, Princeton University (hosted by Jörg Raisch): Opinion Dynamics with Tunable Sensitivity: Consensus, Dissensus, and Cascades

I will present a model of continuous-time opinion dynamics for an arbitrary number of agents that communicate over a network and form real-valued opinions about an arbitrary number of options.  The model generalizes linear and nonlinear models in the literature. Drawing from biology, physics, and social psychology, we introduce an attention parameter to modulate social

PI Lecture

Ralph Hertwig: Experimenting with Intelligence

On ZOOM (Contact us for Link)

Experimenting with Intelligence Abstract. Within just 7 years, behavioral decision research in psychology underwent a dramatic change. In 1967, Peterson and Beach (1967a) reviewed more than 160 experiments concerned with people’s statistical intuitions. Invoking the metaphor of the mind as an intuitive statistician, they concluded that “probability theory and statistics can be used as the

Distinguished Speaker Series

Patricia Churchland (University of California, San Diego), The Neurobiological Platform for Moral Intuitions

On ZOOM (Contact us for Link)

ABSTRACT: Self-preservation is embodied in our brain’s circuitry: we seek food when hungry, warmth when cold, and mates when lusty. In the evolution of the mammalian brain, circuitry for regulating one’s own survival and well-being was modified. For sociality, the important result was that the ambit of me extends to include others -- me-and-mine. Offspring, mates, and kin came

PI Lecture

Olaf Hellwich

The Zoom Link will be sent the day before the lecture. (Contact for specific questions)

Thursday Morning Lecture with John A. Nyakatura (MoA), “Reverse-engineering the locomotion of a stem amniote – insights from a multidisciplinary approach”

Reconstructing the locomotion of key vertebrate fossil specimens offers insights into their palaeobiology and helps to conceptualize major transitions in vertebrate evolution. A unique combination of an articulated nearly complete early land-living vertebrate fossil specimen and fossilized trackways was the starting point for an in-depth reconstruction of the locomotion based on the integration of image-based

PI Lecture with Alan Akbik

The Zoom Link will be sent the day before the lecture. (Contact for specific questions)