PI Lecture

Alex Kacelnik (University of Oxford): What are minds for, and how do they work?

MAR23 4.064 Marchstraße 23, Berlin, Germany

PI Lecture Series Abstract: The biological perspective on intelligence is well represented by the following quotes: “Is it not reasonable to anticipate that our understanding of the human mind would be aided greatly by knowing the purpose for which it was designed?” (George Williams) and “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish

PI Lecture

John-Dylan Haynes (SCIoI): “What can neuroimaging tell us about human intelligence?”

MAR23 4.064 Marchstraße 23, Berlin, Germany

The concept of intelligence in cognitive science has been highly elusive. One pragmatic approach to understanding intelligence is to use classical intelligence tests, such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). In such tests, performance is assessed in a number of specific subtask items, and the performance across these items is then integrated to an

PI Lecture

Henry Shevlin, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence: General intelligence: an ecumenical heuristic for artificial consciousness research?

MAR23 4.064 Marchstraße 23, Berlin, Germany

Henry Shevlin is a research associate at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (Cambridge). He did his PhD at CUNY Graduate Center in New York with a thesis on "Consciousness, Perception and Short-Term Memory". Link to CV here ABSTRACT: The science of consciousness has made great strides in recent decades, both in the

Career Day for Doctoral Candidates 2020 – Berlin University Alliance

Humboldt Universität, Luisenstr. 56, 10117 Berlin

    Career Day for Doctoral Researchers 2020, Bildquelle: Carolina Valsecchi Gillmeister On February 18, 2020 the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin will host the next career day for doctoral candidates. The event is organized by doctoral researchers from Humboldt-Universität, Freie Universität and Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin and supported by the members of the Berlin University Alliance and HEIBRiDS, the Helmholtz Einstein International

PI Lecture

“The Ethics of AI-chemy – When Science meets Hype” – Keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Oliver Brock

HU Berlin - Institut für Biologie Phillipstraße 12/13a, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Winter School Keynote Lecture: Oliver Brock (Cluster Science of Intelligence, TU Berlin) Cluster Speaker Prof. Dr. Oliver Brock will deliver the keynote lecture at this year's Winter School Ethics and Neuroscience. The 9th Winter School "Ethics and Neuroscience is organized by the BCCN Berlin/ICCN and the Berlin School of Mind and Brain. The event is

PI Lecture

Pascal Klink (TU Darmstadt): Self-paced Reinforcement Learning

MAR23 4.064 Marchstraße 23, Berlin, Germany

Thursday Morning Lectures Abstract: Generalization and adaptation of learned skills to novel situations is a core requirement for intelligent autonomous robots. Although contextual reinforcement learning provides a principled framework for learning and generalization of behaviors across related tasks, it generally relies on uninformed sampling of environments from an unknown, uncontrolled context distribution, thus missing the

Prof. Katja Liebal (FU Berlin): Understanding the human mind: The value of a comparative perspective

SCIoI, MAR Building Marchstr. 23, Berlin

Abstract:  Are humans unique? If so, which cognitive and communication skills characterize human beings? Are these characteristics universal, or do they vary depending on the individual's social, ecological, and cultural background? While it may sound plausible that answering these questions requires the comparison of different cultural groups to learn about the universals and variability of

Pia Bideau and Raphael Deimel: Boost your experiments!

SCIoI, MAR Building Marchstr. 23, Berlin

"Boost your experiments!" The ScioI cluster provides for several post-doc level research positions for improving scientific integration across disciplines, as well as for advancing the level of sophistication in experiments we can conduct in the ScioI Labs. Currently, there are two "support" post-docs, Pia Bideau and Raphael Deimel. Pia is an expert in motion-based image

Zoom Talk: Ralf Kurvers (MPI): How to sway voters

On ZOOM (Contact us for Link)

Thursday morning talk How to sway voters Across the world, politicians challenging the established elite are rising. Presenting contrarian views with high confidence, these politicians challenge the status quo, calling for a radically different course of action, often going against scientific evidence. Systematic investigations of the success of such ‘contrarian’ strategies are, however, absent. Though