Thursday Morning Talk

Aravind Battaje and Vito Mengers, “Principles at Play: What is Intelligence?”

MAR 2.057

What is intelligence? We delve into the collaborative efforts at SCIoI, where we aim to understand intelligence through the identification of commonalities. Inspired by ongoing research and historical parallels, we present candidate principles, inviting the audience to contribute insights and discuss their alignment with ongoing projects. This talk marks a step towards refining our understanding

Thursday Morning Talk

Asieh Daneshi (Science of Intelligence), “Behavioral contagion in human and artificial multi-agent systems”

In this talk, Asieh will explore the dynamics of decision-making and risk-taking within social contexts and how everyday decisions, often laden with potential negative outcomes, are influenced not only by individual judgment but significantly by the surrounding social environment. Her research employs the "Balloon Analogue Risk-Taking" experiment in a controlled setting applying VR-technology in order

Distinguished Speaker Series

POSTPONED: Richard McElreath, “The Cultural and Ecological Nature of Intelligence”

Abstract: How do we reconcile the extraordinary success of the human species with the apparent stupidity of people and organizations? How can we understand the transformation of humans from foraging apes to urban clerks, without any appreciable change in physiology? No one has definitive answers to these questions, but we begin to answer them by

Thursday Morning Talk

Oren Forkosh (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), “Behavior, Personality, and Affective States of Freely Behaving Groups of Mice and Other Animals”

Behavior, Personality, and Affective States of Freely Behaving Groups of Mice and Other Animals In recent years, the study of animal behavior in neuroscience has seen a significant shift towards more naturalistic and less intrusive methods. It is under these conditions that the true spectrum of animal behavior can be exhibited, free from the artificial

Thursday Morning Talk

Stefan Leutgeb, “Hippocampal computations in support of spatial navigation and working memory”

MAR 2.057

Stefan Leutgeb is Professor of Neurobiology at University of California San Diego. Currently a fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin with his research on neural computations in real brains and in artificial systems. More details to follow. This talk will take place in person at SCIoI. Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash.    

Thursday Morning Talk

Tim Kietzmann (University of Osnabrück), “Large language models offer a rich representational format for understanding the transformation of visual information in the human brain.”

Abstract: Originating from the connectionist movement of cognitive science, deep neural networks (DNNs) have had tremendous influence on artificial intelligence, operating at the core of today’s most powerful applications. At the same time, cognitive computational neuroscientists have recognised their promise to act as “Goldilocks” models of brain function: DNNs are grounded in sensory data, can

Distinguished Speaker Series

Antonio Bicchi (University of Pisa), “What is it like to be a bot?”

Abstract The impressive evolution that artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and robotics have recently undergone reached a point where it is now possible to fuse these technologies and create another body for the self. This possibility poses new questions at the core of embodied intelligence. In this talk I will examine a few of the technical,

External Event

Winter School “Ethics of Neuroscience and AI” 2024

The 13th Winter School "Ethics of Neuroscience and AI" is taking place on Feb 26 - March 1, 2024. It is organized by the BCCN Berlin/ICCN, the Berlin School of Mind and Brain, and the Excellence Cluster "Science of Intelligence". The event is tailored for MSc and PhD students, but covers a range of topics