Guillermo Gallego (Science of Intelligence), “Event-based Vision at the TU Berlin Robotic Interactive Perception Lab”
MAR 2.057More details to follow.
More details to follow.
Workshop title: Es liegt was in der Luft Theme: Stage and the Environment Where: Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch Im Anthropozän, dem sogenannten ‘Zeitalter des Menschen’, ist die Umwelt zur Bühne geworden. Auf dieser Bühne zeigen sich ökologische Ausnahmezustände und drohende klimatische Kipppunkte. Unsere Rolle ist es, auszuhandeln, wie es weitergehen kann: Der Verlauf der
More details to follow. This talk will take place in person at SCIoI.
Workshop title: Von Kontrolle zu Kooperation Theme: Air as Technology Where: silent green Kulturquartier Betonindustrie, Verbrennungsmotor, Google-Suchanfrage – Technologie wird heute an ihrer CO₂-Emission gemessen. Unsere technische Kultur hat Karriere gemacht durch einen allzu sorglosen und zerstörerischen Umgang mit Ressourcen. Dabei wird vor allem der Versuch unternommen, Materialien und Umgebungen zu kontrollieren. Und das
Workshop title: Breathing in, Breathing out Theme: Practices of Air Where: YOGA at Lobe Block We are breathing beings. Every breath reconnects us to ourselves, to our fellow beings, and to our environment. The act of breathing usually does not require any thought. Yet, our emotions and memories have a strong impact on our
Abstract: Estimating motion from image sensors is a fundamental problem in computer vision and robotics. Event cameras are novel bio-inspired sensors that provide a signal suitable for estimating motion because their pixels naturally respond to intensity changes, which are tightly related to motions in the scene. However, event data is fundamentally different from conventional frame
Abstract: The opacity of datasets poses a significant challenge to creating inclusive and intelligible machine learning (ML) systems. Various AI ethics initiatives have addressed this issue by proposing standardized dataset documentation frameworks based on the value of transparency. In this talk, I propose a shift of perspective: from documenting for transparency to documenting for reflexivity.
Abstract: In our project, we explore the idea that complex, intelligent behavior can be generated by selecting from simple strategies in a smart way. In the first part, we will talk about how we tested this idea of strategy selection in the context of human decision making under risk, and we will discuss the potential
Abstract: Collective dynamics play a crucial role in everyday decision-making. Whether social influence promotes the spread of accurate information and ultimately results in collective intelligence or leads to false information cascades and maladaptive social contagion depends on the cognitive mechanisms underlying social interactions. This talk will take place in person at SCIoI.
Under what conditions does a system behave intelligently? What meaning does the attribution of intelligent behavior to non-human systems carry? The event illustrates different perspectives from the philosophy of cognition and invites a joint discussion of these questions. (Event in German)
Who is Pepper? The humanoid robot we use in our labs helps us understand social interactions between robots and humans, and if it’s easy to see why that works so well. Pepper is designed to quickly develop a connection with its human interlocutor. Come and try it for yourself!
Swarms, such as schools of fish, and flocks of birds, have shown a great capability of solving complex problems in nature. Such examples are bees finding the best nest site, or fish escaping from a predator. In this demostration Mohsen Raoufi, at the Swarm Robotics Lab of SCIoI, will demonstrate how a swarm of robots