What we liked most about the SCIoI Fair

Our SCIoI Fair 2023 was a great success, and we would like say ‘thank you’ to all our guests and participants, as well as to our speakers and scientists.

With the Science of Intelligence Fair 2023, we wanted to celebrate intelligence research in all of its facets, covering topics like individual, social, and collective intelligence as well as ethics of AI and the importance of intelligence research. Throughout an entire day, our scientists were able to explain their projects to a lay and less lay audience with talks, presentations, and a whole exhibition of hands-on demonstrators.
Here’s what we particularly liked about the event:

Our special guests and speakers: Ina Czyborra, Senator for Higher Education and Research; Stephan Völker, Vice-President of TU Berlin, and Julia von Blumenthal, President of HU Berlin. All three of them brought flattering and encouraging words about our cluster, and we would like to take this chance to warmly thank them for their participation and for their attention to SCIoI. A big “thank you” also to Christoph Schneider, vice president of research at the HU, for his visit and interest in our project.

Our seven talks on individual, social, and collective intelligence, including robotic arms, Caledonian crows, mice, marlins, cockatoos, Mexican waves, social robots, and even Jackson Pollock. All with an introduction by Oliver Brock.

The panel discussion on the advancements in safe AI technology, with John-Dylan Haynes, Verena Hafner, Jens Krause, Georgia Chalvatzaki, and the great moderation of Marianna Evenstein. Check out the visualisation on the right for a summary of what they said.

The graphic visualization by Malte von Thiesenhausen, who spent the entire day carefully listening to our talks while sketching the science and “connecting all the dots” of our research in a visual way in order to make everything clearer to all audiences.

The exhibition: audiences could interact with robots, lockboxes, and robotic fish, act like predators and chase schooling fish, take part in face recognition experiments, and learn more about Kilobots, EEG caps, and even intelligent materials.

Jörg Raisch’s wrap-up talk: where is SCIoI going? Throughout these first years of SCIoI, Jörg said, our scientists were able to recognize some patterns and fundamentals of intelligence. We want to continue to work on the principles and evolution of intelligence through exchanges and collaborations, and most importantly, we want to keep society informed.

The spirit of collaboration that this event brought about. The months leading up to the SCIoI Fair saw new collaborations between the scientist teams building the demonstrators, a close cooperation between the coordination office and all the researchers, and the creation of new partnerships within and outside SCIoI. We believe this is a valuable result of the SCIoI Fair, and a further step in fostering the interdisciplinary spirit that defines our cluster.

The sunset at Radialsystem! When the talks were over, we opened the doors to the Radialsystem terrace to discover a scenic red sky over the Spree.



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