Oliver Brock

Photo: SCIoI
Oliver Brock represents the synthetic discipline robotics. He has extensive experience in building real-world robotic systems, contributing also to related disciplines, including perception and machine learning. Within the fields of robotics, he is a leader in leveraging collaborations with analytical disciplines, in particular psychology and behavioral biology, to work towards an understanding of embodied intelligence.
Oliver Brock is member of Project 02, Project 04, Project 17, Project 22, Project 28, Project 30, Project 35, Project 43, Project 49, Project B1, Project S2.
Publications +
Werner Heisenberg Medaille (2024)
Perraudin, L., Brock, O., Coelho Mollo, D., Mareis, C., Müller, M., Nestler, A., Puhlmann, S., Schäffner, W., Steinhardt, S. 2021. »Wenn Materie lebendig wird«. Experimentallabor für Wissenschaftskommunikation »CollActive Materials«. Berlin University Alliance, project funding for 2022-2024.
External Event -
Oliver Brock at TED AI Vienna 2024
For the Public -
Science of Intelligence Fair 2023
Futurium (Dauerausstellung Futurium)- October 2019 - Am Anfang war der Automat
Der Tagesspiegel – February 2019 - Robotik und Intelligenzforschung: Kakadus helfen beim Roboterbau