People Click on the following links to filter through our team. Roles All People Principal InvestigatorsDoctoral ResearchersPostdoctoral ResearchersSCIoI StaffStudent AssistantsExternal CollaboratorsVisiting FellowsFormer Principal Investigators SCIoI Alumni → Our Team Rasha Abdel Rahman Principal Investigator Psychology Julten Abdelhalim Academic Coordination Helene Ackermann Doctoral Researcher Psychology Alan Akbik Principal Investigator Machine Learning Robert Arlinghaus Principal Investigator Behavioral Biology, Ichthyology Felix Baier Student Assistant Palina Bartashevich Postdoctoral Researcher Computer Mathematics Aravind Battaje Doctoral Researcher Robotics Sascha Bauer IT Valeria Becattini Communication Assistant Marvin Beese Student Assistant Pia Bideau External Collaborator Computer Vision, Robotics David Bierbach Postdoctoral Researcher Behavioral Biology, Fish Behavior Conrad Blau Student Assistant Marcel Brass Principal Investigator Psychology Oliver Brock Principal Investigator Robotics Michael Brück Lab Manager Dafna Burema Postdoctoral Researcher Sociology Alicia Burns Postdoctoral Researcher Biology Valerii Chirkov Doctoral Researcher Dimitri Coelho Mollo Principal Investigator Philosophy of AI Asieh Daneshi Postdoctoral Researcher Biomedical Engineering, CS Furkan Davulcu Doctoral Researcher Robotics Félicie Dhellemmes Postdoctoral Researcher Behavioral Ecology, Biology Tobias Drewlani Doctoral Researcher Sociology Sean Ehlman External Collaborator Behavioral Ecology Anna Eiserbeck Postdoctoral Researcher Psychology Ghadi El Hasbani Student Assistant Jonas Frenkel Doctoral Researcher Cognitive Science, Human-Robot Interaction Guillermo Gallego Principal Investigator Computer Vision Kai Görgen Postdoctoral Researcher Cognitive Science Bojana Grujičić Doctoral Researcher Verena Hafner Principal Investigator Developmental Robotics Ole Hall Doctoral Researcher Computer Vision Friedhelm Hamann Doctoral Researcher Computer Science Heiko Hamann Principal Investigator Robotics, Swarm Robotics Nina Hanning External Collaborator Neurocognitive Psychology John-Dylan Haynes Principal Investigator Cognitive Neuroscience Olaf Hellwich Principal Investigator Computer Vision Eitan Hemed Postdoctoral Researcher Anne Herms Finances Ralph Hertwig Principal Investigator Psychology, Cognitive Science Vanessa Hiess Visiting Fellow Katharina Hohlbaum External Collaborator Veterinary Science Susanne Hölzemann Finances Heiko Hübert External Collaborator Robotics Anne Jaap Postdoctoral Researcher Behavioral Biology Haowei Ji Student Assistant Eric J. Johnson Visiting Fellow Marten Kaas Postdoctoral Researcher Philosophy Alex Kacelnik Principal Investigator Behavioral Biology Antje Kaczmarek Front Office Lena Kähler Student Assistant Mathis Kaiser Lab Manager Maryam Karimian Postdoctoral Researcher Comput. Cognitive Neuroscience Bassel Katamish Doctoral Researcher Comput. Engineering, Control Roghaye Keshavarzi Student Assistant Kiki Cockatoo Cockatoo in Residence Anna Klenova Postdoctoral Researcher Behavioral Biology Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos External Collaborator Human Robot Interaction Jens Krause Principal Investigator Behavioral Biology Lujain Kretzschmar Diversity Ralf Kurvers Principal Investigator Behavioral Biology Miriam Kyselo Principal Investigator Philosophy of Cognition Anna Lange Doctoral Researcher Computer Science Rebecca Lazarides Principal Investigator Educational Science Valentin Lecheval Postdoctoral Researcher Collective Behavior, Ethology Svetlana Levit Doctoral Researcher Computer Science Lars Lewejohann Principal Investigator Behavioral Biology Xing Li Doctoral Researcher Robotics Falk Lieder Principal Investigator Computational Cognitive Science Niels Lilienthal Student Assistant Jonas Ludwig Visiting Fellow Marianne Maertens Principal Investigator Psychology Heinrich Mellmann Doctoral Researcher Vito Mengers Doctoral Researcher Computer Science, Robotics Elena Merdjanovska Doctoral Researcher Computer Science David Mezey Doctoral Researcher Theoretical Biology Paul Mieske Postdoctoral Researcher Ashwin Moongathottathil James Postdoctoral Researcher Anne Nassauer Principal Investigator Sociology Huu Duc Nguyen Doctoral Researcher Robotics Alexios Nompilakis Communication Assistant Arianna Novati Postdoctoral Researcher Biology, Neurobiology Klaus Obermayer Principal Investigator Computational Neuroscience, Machine Learning Anton Ohler Student Assistant Konstantin Olschofsky Project Manager Maria Ott Press & Communication Julie Ouerfelli-Ethier Postdoctoral Researcher Computer Vision Thorsten Pachur Principal Investigator Psychology Michael Pauen Principal Investigator Philosophy of Mind Niels Pinkwart Principal Investigator Computer Science Max Ploner Doctoral Researcher Computer Science Sebastian Pohl Student Assistant Nina Poth External Collaborator Philosophy of Cognitive Science Jörg Raisch Principal Investigator Control Mohsen Raoufi Doctoral Researcher Computer Science Lubna Rashid Visiting Fellow Julia Rodriguez Buritica Principal Investigator Martin Rolfs Principal Investigator Psychology Pawel Romanczuk Principal Investigator Behavioral Biology Stephan Rosenzweig IT Tamal Roy Postdoctoral Researcher Behavioral Ecology, Biology Qu Runfeng Doctoral Researcher Computer Vision Mahdieh Sadat Mirmohammad Student Assistant Abdullah Sardogan Student Assistant Ulrike Scherer Postdoctoral Researcher Behavioral Ecology, Biology Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer Principal Investigator Sociology Friedrich Schüßler Postdoctoral Researcher Neuroscience, Physics, Ethology Christopher Schutz Lab Manager/Animal Care Richard Schweitzer External Collaborator Behavioral Science Yunus Sevinchan Postdoctoral Researcher Physics Olga Shurygina Doctoral Researcher Psychology Henning Sprekeler Principal Investigator Computational Neuroscience Solveig Steinhardt Press & Communication Josh Tenenbaum Principal Investigator Comp. Cognitive Neuroscience Christa Thöne-Reineke Principal Investigator Behavioral Biology Marc Toussaint Principal Investigator Robotics Sole Traverso Doctoral Researcher Computer Science Arian Trieb Visiting Fellow Jain Vijish Kumar IT Carla Vollmoeller Student Assistant Alice von Auersperg Principal Investigator Behavioral Biology Kathleen Waak Managing Director Elke U. Weber Visiting Fellow Max Wolf Principal Investigator Behavioral Biology Pu Xu Doctoral Researcher Robotics Magdalena Yordanova Doctoral Researcher Computer Engineering, Robotics Oussama Zenkri Doctoral Researcher Robotics Yating Zheng Postdoctoral Researcher Swarm Robotics Sabine Ammon Former Principal Investigator Philosophy