Jörg Raisch

Photo: SCIoI
Jörg Raisch’s research interests include both methodological and applied aspects of control. On the methodological side, he works on abstraction-based control synthesis for hybrid systems, control of timed discrete-event systems in tropical algebras, consistent control hierarchies, and distributed cooperative control. He has investigated control applications in chemical, medical and power systems engineering, with an emphasis on power systems with a high share of renewable energy. At SCIoI, he has worked on collective learning control in multi-robot systems, the trade-off between modularity and integration, and the use of regularities in complex control and decision problems.
Jörg Raisch is member of Project 11, Project 13, Project 23, Project 43.
Publications +
PI Lecture -
Jörg Raisch (Science of Intelligence), “Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems”
For the Public -
Science of Intelligence Fair 2023