
Julie Ouerfelli-Ethier

Postdoctoral Researcher

Computer Vision




Photo: SCIoI

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Julie Ouerfelli-Ethier

Julie Ouerfelli-Ethier

Photo: SCIoI

Julie has a Master’s degree in vision sciences from the School of Optometry of the University of Montreal. In her Master’s thesis, she showed that saccade parameters predict cognitive functions in older adults and in Parkinson’s disease patients. She then received a double PhD degree in vision sciences from the School of Optometry of the University of Montreal and in cognitive neuroscience from the University of Claude-Bernard – Lyon 1. During her PhD, she investigated inhibitory mechanisms surrounding target selection and motor plan selection in the context of competing objects and saccade goals. Her main research interests focus on understanding the underlying mechanisms of target selection, and the interactions between vision and action in healthy and clinical populations. At SCIoI, Julie works as a postdoctoral researcher for Project 57, “Internal and External Visual Information Sampling using Eye-Movements and Overt Attention in Dynamic Scenes”, within Martin Rolfs’ group. Within this project, she aims to improve our understanding of attention and eye movement planning in complex visual scenes.


Julie Ouerfelli-Ethier is member of Project 57.


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