SCIoI Alumni

Nicolas Roth

Doctoral Researcher

Computational Neuroscience

TU Berlin




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Nicolas Roth

Nicolas Roth

Photo: SCIoI

Nicolas Roth is a PhD student working on computational models of attention. At SCIoI, he is working on Project 01, “Object-level scene descriptions and attention in visual search.” The aim of his project at SCIoI is to learn to form visual scene analysis strategies in humans, and employ these findings on computer vision tasks. This project is jointly supervised by Klaus Obermayer, Martin Rolfs, and Olaf Hellwich. Nico has studied physics at Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, where he was mainly concerned with computational astrophysics and image processing for applications in environmental physics. Before joining SCIoI, he worked in theoretical neuroscience, more specifically predicting the impact of external stimulation on the dynamics of whole brain networks.


Nicolas Roth is member of Project 01.

Roth, N., McLaughlin, J., Obermayer, K., & Rolfs, M. (2024). Gaze Behavior Reveals Expectations of Potential Scene Changes. Psychological Science, 35(12), 1350–1363.
Hall, O., Qu, R., Ouerfelli-Ethier, J., Roth, N., Hellwich, O., Obermayer, K., & Rolfs, M. (2024). Saccadic decision-making in dynamic scenes under competing task demands. EGPROC.
Roth, N., Rolfs, M., Hellwich, O., & Obermayer, K. (2023). Objects guide human gaze behavior in dynamic real-world scenes. PLOS Computational Biology.
Roth, N., Shurygina, O., Muscinelli, F. M., Obermayer, K., & Rolfs, M. (2023). Modeling the spread of object-based attention during free viewing. MODVIS 2023.
Roth, N., McLaughlin, J., Obermayer, K., & Rolfs, M. (2023). Looking for potential action: Differences in exploration behavior of static and (potentially) dynamic scenes. Journal of Vision.
Srivastava, A., Rastogi, A., Rao, A., Shoeb, A. A. M., Abid, A., Fisch, A., Brown, A. R., Santoro, A., Gupta, A., Garriga-Alonso, A., Kluska, A., Lewkowycz, A., Agarwal, A., Power, A., Ray, A., Warstadt, A., Kocurek, A. W., Safaya, A., Tazarv, A., … Wu, Z. (2022). Beyond the Imitation Game: Quantifying and extrapolating the capabilities of language models.
Roth, N., Rolfs, M., & Obermayer, K. (2022). ScanDy: Simulating Realistic Human Scanpaths in Dynamic Real-World Scenes. MODVIS 2022.
Roth, N., Rolfs, M., & Obermayer, K. (2022). Scanpath prediction in dynamic real-world scenes based on object-based selection. Journal of Vision / VSS 2022.
Muscinelli, F., Roth, N., Shurygina, O., Obermayer, K., & Rolfs, M. (2022). Object-based Spread of Attention Affects Fixation Duration During Free Viewing. PERCEPTION / 44th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2022.
Chouzouris, T., Roth, N., Cakan, C., & Obermayer, K. (2021). Applications of optimal nonlinear control to a whole-brain network of FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators. Physical Review E, 104(2), 24213.
Roth, N., Bideau, P., Hellwich, O., Rolfs, M., & Obermayer, K. (2021). Modeling the influence of objects on saccadic decisions in dynamic real-world scenes. PERCEPTION / 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2021.
Roth, N., Bideau, P., Hellwich, O., Rolfs, M., & Obermayer, K. (2021). A modular framework for object-based saccadic decisions in dynamic scenes. CVPR EPIC Workshop / ArXiv:2106.06073.

SCIoI Research Grants (2022)

Der Tagesspiegel – November 2023 - Sehen und Übersehen: Was unsere Blicke wirklich bannt


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