Pawel Romanczuk

Photo: SCIoI
Pawel Romanczuk holds a professorship on Complexity Research in Adaptive Systems at HU. For SCIoI, he works at the interface of applied mathematics, theoretical physics, and behavioral biology. He focuses on collective behavior of organismic systems. His research bridges analytical and synthetic sciences to study self-organization, evolutionary adaptations, and functional dynamical behavior.
Pawel Romanczuk is member of Project 11, Project 12, Project 26, Project 27, Project 33, Project 34, Project 41, Project 42, Project 51, Project 52, Project B3.
Publications +
Best Workshop Poster Award (ICRA 2024)
Hot Topics in Intelligence Research -
Pawel Romanczuk (Science of Intelligence)
Hot Topics in Intelligence Research -
Pawel Romanczuk (Science of Intelligence), “Introduction to complexity science: Part II”
Thursday Morning Talk -
Dustin Lehmann, Fritz Francisco, Jorg Raisch, Pawel Romanczuk (Science of Intelligence), “Dynamical adaptation and learning: Knowledge transfer and cooperative learning in groups of heterogeneous agents”
For the Public -
LNDW 2025/SCIoI Open Labs: Smart swarms – How mathematics helps to understand swarm behavior and collective intelligence
For the Public -
Science of Intelligence Fair 2023
For the Public -
What does the swarm know? Collective intelligence explained at the HU Lab’s MitWissenschaft Event
Profil – September 2020 - Schwarmverhaltensforschung
HU Berlin Zeitung – September 2019 - Sicherer gemeinsam: Bei Gefahr orientieren sich Fische an der Reaktion des Schwarmes
Eurekalert, September 2019 - Uncovering hidden intelligence of collectives