
Ralph Hertwig

Principal Investigator

Cognitive Science

Max Planck Institute Berlin for HU Berlin Development



Phone: +49 30 8240 6202


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Ralph Hertwig

Ralph Hertwig

Photo: SCIoI

Ralph Hertwig studies human cognitive abilities, bringing together concepts and methods from psychology, neuroscience, economics, philosophy, biology, and mathematics. He investigates how biological cognitive strategies (heuristics) arise, perform, and vary under natural resource constraints. His work spans individual and group cognition.


Ralph Hertwig is member of Project 22, Project 26.

Sultan, M., Tump, A. N., Ehmann, N., Lorenz-Spreen, P., Hertwig, R., Gollwitzer, A., & Kurvers, R. H. J. M. (2024). Susceptibility to online misinformation: A systematic meta-analysis of demographic and psychological factors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(47), e2409329121.
Burton, J. W., Lopez-Lopez, E., Hechtlinger, S., Rahwan, Z., Aeschbach, S., Bakker, M. A., Becker, J. A., Berditchevskaia, A., Berger, J., Brinkmann, L., Flek, L., Herzog, S. M., Huang, S., Kapoor, S., Narayanan, A., Nussberger, A.-M., Yasseri, T., Nickl, P., Almaatouq, A., … Hertwig, R. (2024). How large language models can reshape collective intelligence. Nature Human Behaviour, 8(9), 1643–1655.
Kurvers, R. H. J. M., Herzog, S. M., Hertwig, R., Krause, J., & Wolf, M. (2021). Pooling decisions decreases variation in response bias and accuracy. IScience, 24(7), 102740.
Kurvers, R. H. J. M., Herzog, S. M., Hertwig, R., Krause, J., Moussaid, M., Argenziano, G., Zalaudek, I., Carney, P. A., & Wolf, M. (2019). How to detect high-performing individuals and groups: Decision similarity predicts accuracy. Science Advances, 5(11), eaaw9011.


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