Rebecca Lazarides

Photo: SCIoI
Rebecca Lazarides is an educational researcher with interests in learning and instruction, motivational and cognitive learning processes in adolescence, gendered socialization processes and motivational development in education. Her research connects the fields of educational psychology, educational science, motivational and cognitive psychology. Within SCIoI, she will investigate the role of instruction and feedback for cognitive learning processes, intrinsic motivation, and attention.
Rebecca Lazarides is member of Project 06, Project 31, Project 50.
Publications +
Thursday Morning Talk -
Rebecca Lazarides (Science of Intelligence), “From understanding learners’ adaptive motivation and emotion to designing social learning companions”
For the Public -
Science of Intelligence Fair 2023
Portal Eins – June 2020 - Lernen mit gutem Gefühl – Die Bildungswissenschaftlerin Rebecca Lazarides will Roboter zu sozial kompetenten Lernbegleitern machen
Portal Wissen – January 2019 - Alexa, bist du intelligent? Von Künstlicher Intelligenz und wofür man sie braucht