Richard Schweitzer

Photo: SCIoI
Richard Schweitzer studied cognitive psychology and neuroscience, and received his doctoral degree at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where he investigated the extent and potential function of intra-saccadic vision – visual perception while the eyes undergo rapid movements. To study the visual system, he uses psychophysical techniques together with eye tracking, motion tracking, and EEG, as well as (partly custom-built) visual presentation systems operating with sub-millisecond temporal resolution. Richard has joined the Università di Trento as a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences – CIMeC.
At SCIoI, Richard Schweitzer looks into the intriguing question of visual stability: How do biological agents acquire a constantly changing stream of snapshot-like retinal samples, and yet manage to represent a stable and continuous world? He works together with Martin Rolfs and Jörg Raisch on the project “Control models of perceptual stability in active observers”, striving towards a cybernetic description of active oculomotor behavior by combining the modeling of control systems, involving sensor fusion, feedback and learning control, with novel experimental techniques, such as passive eye movements and gaze-contingent visual stimulation in complete darkness. At SCIoI, Richard is working on Project 23.
If you want to know more about Richard, please visit his webpage.
Richard Schweitzer is member of Project 23.
Publications +
Lieslotte Pongratz Dissertation Award (The German Academic Scholarship Foundation, 2022)
Humboldt Preis (2021)