
Solveig Steinhardt

SCIoI Staff
Press & Communication

TU Berlin



Phone: +49 30 31470158

Location: MAR 2.035


Photo: SCIoI

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Solveig Steinhardt

Solveig Steinhardt

Photo: SCIoI

Solveig Steinhardt obtained her Master’s Degree in Natural Science with a focus on Coastal Geomorphology from the University of Florence, Italy, and then went on to pursue a career in journalism and communication. After six years as the chief editor of a magazine in Berlin, she landed at SCIoI where she is responsible for internal and external communications, relations with the press, as well as website and social media management.

Perraudin, L., Brock, O., Coelho Mollo, D., Mareis, C., Müller, M., Nestler, A., Puhlmann, S., Schäffner, W., Steinhardt, S. 2021. »Wenn Materie lebendig wird«. Experimentallabor für Wissenschaftskommunikation »CollActive Materials«. Berlin University Alliance, project funding for 2022-2024.


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